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Best Natural Acne Remedies for Clear Skin That Actually Work

Best Natural Acne Remedies for Clean Skin

I’ve battled acne since I was 13 years old. My face has seen all kinds of damage over the years and I have the scars to prove it. Through my years of combatting pimples,  I’ve come across the best natural acne remedies for clear skin. With consistent use, they can help improve skin tone and texture too. 

It’s taken me almost two decades of trying everything under the sun.  I’ve had prescriptions such as tretinoin, Accutane, and clindamycin. Over the counter, I tried everything from clean and clear,  Clearasil to chemical  peels,  Proactive, and Murad. 

I don’t even want to know how much money I’ve put into finding an acne treatment that works. 


wasting money on expensive acne treatments

Over time I became more aware of what I was putting in my body and on it and switched to natural, non-toxic products. My skin has been so much clearer and I hardly ever breakout anymore.  Relieving acne naturally is one of the best things you can do for your skin. 

Best  Natural  Acne Remedies for Clear Skin That Work 

What causes acne?

Before we can look at treating pimples naturally, we need to know and understand how and why acne is caused. Acne occurs when the pores in your skin get blocked due to debris, excessive oil, bacteria, and dead skin. Your skin produces sebum, an oil, to lubricate the skin. The sebum comes out of your pores. If there are bacteria and clogging in the pores, your skin reacts adversely. 

Pimples are your body’s response to the build-up in your pores. 

how does acne form, what causes acne

Different types of acne:

As if it wasn’t difficult enough that we have to deal with breakouts, acne occurs in a couple of different forms. 

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Nodules
  • Cystic

Why Natural Acne Treatments?

When I was younger,  my mom always told me to watch my diet and use natural products on my skin.  I didn’t listen. I didn’t think it mattered and focused my energy on chemical-laden products that  I thought were superior. 

As the popular saying goes, “You are what you eat.” This is so true. Feed your body a poor diet of junk food and sugar and your skin will dearly pay for it. You are also what you put on or in your skin. 

Many chemicals in acne products have awful side effects.  Accutane is some heavy stuff and while I managed to escape with minor side effects, others were not so lucky. 

Natural products work with your body and not against it. They nourish it and provide the essentials it needs.  Yes, hormonal and puberty acne is super difficult to control.  

natural products to combat acne

However, with gentle care and consistency, you can control it as I did.  

Combat Acne with a Consistent Skincare Regimen

When you have acne, you want to fix it right away and get rid of it within hours.  I’ve been there I know the anguish of cystic acne exploding over your face before a date or work presentation.

Most acne treatments fail because we tend to switch products too quickly, use too much or too many products when dealing with acne. 

The best natural acne remedy is to pick one regimen and let it do its thing.  Stick with it even if you don’t think it’s working.  Things take time to improve. It can take at least a month to 3 months to see changes in your skin. This is because you have to wait for your skin layers to turnover/shed to start seeing a difference. 

Once I simplified my acne treatment routine and stayed consistent, my skin returned to normal.  

Best Natural Acne Products and DIY Recipes for Clear Skin

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Aztec Healing Clay

My sister introduced me to Aztec healing clay and it was a game-changer. It made my skin so soft after one use and the notorious pulsing feels weird at first,  but I’m addicted to it. And, this product is insanely popular because it works. 

Don’t believe it? Check out the 43k plus reviews Aztec healing clay has on Amazon

Aztec healing clay mask for acne treatment, natural skincare product

How to Make a Face Mask with Aztec Healing Clay: 

Mix 1-2 tbsp of Aztec Healing clay powder with enough apple cider vinegar to form a paste consistency. Make sure it isn’t too runny or thick. You can also use water to mix with the powder, but I find vinegar is better. It also is great for helping treat acne!

The mixture will bubble. I like to add a drop of tea tree oil and lemon essential oil for extra healing power.  Plus it smells nice! Make sure to mix ingredients in a non-metal bowl.  I like to use this mask bowl and spoon. Plus it’s so cute!

Apply to face and wait 15-20 min. If you have sensitive skin,  you might want to wash it off sooner. After 5 minutes or so you will feel your skin pulsing. This is normal and don’t get scared!

When you wash it off, your face will be red.  Make sure to properly moisturize. Your skin will return to normal within a couple of hours.  

How often to Use this Clay Mask?

Use once a week for best results.  Don’t use it too often or you’ll over dry your skin. 

Exfoliating Cinnamon Honey Mask

This nontoxic face mask recipe is a relatively recent addition to my routine and it’s amazing!  I love that it’s easy to make and made of all-natural ingredients. Plus it is cheap! Win-win.  

exfoliating cinnamon and honey mask for acne treatment

Why this Mask Works:


Cinnamon can shrink pores and reveal softer and smoother skin. This is perfect for those such as myself who have uneven skin tone from acne scarring. It’s also anti-bacterial which helps in combatting the bacteria that cause pimples. 

The granules from the powder also help exfoliate the skin when you wash it off. 

Cinnamon is considered a “hot” spice. Make sure to test for any reactions first and always wash thoroughly if you feel as if it is too much for your skin. 


Honey is an ancient skin remedy that was readily used by the Egyptians. This sweet food is more than just an addition to your morning tea. This potent ingredient is anti-bacterial and can help eliminate excess oil from your skin. This helps to keep pores clean. Also, it’s gentle and won’t irritate your skin. 


Nutmeg is great for improving hyperpigmentation and discoloration that is left behind by acne scars. This spice also improves oily skin and aids in gentle exfoliation similar to cinnamon powder. 

How to Make a Cinnamon Mask: 


1 tbsp Cinnamon powder

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tbsp honey

1 drop Cinnamon essential oil (optional)

1 drop Nutmeg essential oil (optional)


You can omit the essential oils if you don’t have them or if you’re skin is sensitive.  I personally love them and they add extra microbial and antibacterial elements.  

Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl.  Carefully apply to face.  The mixture will be sticky and can drip so be careful and wear old clothes if you need to. Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes. If you are sensitive to cinnamon, it may tingle.  If it stings, immediately wash it off. 

I like to gently exfoliate my skin in circles when I’m washing it off. The cinnamon granules are perfect for smoothing skin out.

You’ll be left with super soft skin after this mask.  My skin always glows the next day! Store any leftover mixture in an airtight container and you don’t have to refrigerate it. Just be sure to use it up within a couple of weeks to a month. 

Natural Lavender and Tea Tree Face Wash

This DIY face wash is my morning and night go-to. It is so easy to make and lasts a really long time. This is great because it won’t break the bank as other acne cleansers do. Lavender and tea tree oil are great natural acne remedies.

Lavender, best natural acne remedy

Why it Works: 


Lavender has so many great benefits for our skin, it’s no wonder it’s commonly used in skincare products. This plant and essential oil helps reduce redness in skin, can combat acne and helps even skintone. It also has anti-aging properties as well. 

Tea Tree: 

Tea Tree oil is one of the most popular natural acne remedies. This potent oil is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. This helps to keep pores clean and reduces redness. 

Jojoba Oil: 

Jojoba oil is very moisturizing. When treating acne, we want to make sure we don’t strip our skin and have it dry out. This oil is noncomedogenic and won’t clog pores. 

How to Make this Lavender and Tea Tree Oil Face Wash: 


1 (4) oz amber spray bottle

1/4 c Lavender castile soap

1 tsp jojoba oil

1/2  tbsp honey

6 drops Lavender essential oil

6 drops Tea Tree essential oil

Distilled water


Add all the ingredients to the amber glass bottle. Top off with distilled water. 

How to Use Your Face Wash: 

Spray a generous amount onto your palm or face scrubby. Wash face in a circular manner and wash off thoroughly. Use morning and night for best results. Follow with skin serum or moisturizer. 

best natural acne remedies

These natural acne remedies work to keep skin clean, help calm redness and even skin tone from acne scarring. With consistent use, you can help keep your breakouts under control. 

Did you try any of these products or recipes? Comment below on your experience. 

Want to try more DIY recipes? Check out these recipes for hair masks and natural lip scrubs.



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5 DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipes with Essential Oils

5 DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipes with Essential Oils

5 DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipes With Essential Oils

DIY natural lip scrubs are the best.  They exfoliate well, leaving your lips silky soft, and smooth.  And, they are completely non-toxic!

Kissable lips, yes please!

About 5 years ago I started to replace my beauty products with homemade non-toxic versions. I was using too many products that were chemical-laden and became concerned about using better products for my body.

I especially love making lip scrubs at home. As someone who constantly picks at my lips (horrible habit!), they are always chapped and rough. These recipes have saved me many times. 

It’s so easy to make the change to non-toxic living and your body will thank you!

Our body is the only place we get to live in and it’s important we take care and nourish it properly. 

Why Make Natural Lip Scrubs at Home?

Lip scrubs from the store have all sorts of unnatural chemicals that aren’t good for your body.  Store-bought lip scrubs with questionable ingredients are particularly alarming due to the proximity of placing scrubs near the mouth that can be ingested.

Even though the FDA okays these products, it’s better when you know exactly what’s in your scrubs. When making lip scrubs at home, stick with edible ingredients. 

5 DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipes

Another benefit to homemade lip scrubs is that they are cost-effective.  DIY Natural lip scrubs require minimal ingredients so your initial investment will go a long way.  

Benefits of Using Essential Oils in DIY Natural Lip Scrubs

Essential oils are plant-based ingredients making them great non-toxic alternatives in DIY recipes. Plants have offered humans remedies for centuries. Our ancestors mixed concoctions together at home and we can benefit from their knowledge. 

Non Toxic DIY Lip Scrub Recipe with Essential Oils

Nature gives us so much that can be incorporated into our skincare regimen. 

Essential oils also have multiple benefits so you can experiment and tailor a recipe to meet your exact needs. Do you want radiant lips and tackle anti-aging? Use Frankincense essential oil. Do you want to brighten your lips and make a vibrant smelling scrub? Use lemon essential oil! 

Essential Oil Safety

When you make your own natural lip scrubs with essential oils,  it’s important to note the safety elements.  Essential oils are highly potent and a little goes a long way. 

In this case, too much of a good thing is not better! Always do a patch test to check for any reactions. Experiment to find what works for your skin.  

Research proper dilution ratios. When you use a product often, you’ll want to scale back on how much essential oil you put in your products. Using carrier oils such as coconut oil will help dilute the oils for safe usage. 

Listen to your body. There are many recipes floating around the internet and what works for one person may not work exactly the same for you. Recipes are customizable and use this fact to create something that is safe for your body. 

If you find any discomfort at all, wash off with water and lower the dilution ratio. 

Which Essential Oils Brands Should You Use for DIY Recipes? 

Not all essential oils are created equal. It’s important you do the research on brands and sourcing so you know that you are using pure, undiluted essential oils in your DIY recipes. 

Things to look for when buying essential oils: 

  • They are sourced where the plant is grown
  • They are 100% pure with no fillers or additives

DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipes with Essential Oils

Reputable Companies: 

  • Young Living Essential Oils (This is the brand I use)*
    • Young living has a seed to seal guarantee and they source their oils from all over the world where the plants are grown in their natural habitat. 
    • Amazing blends are exclusive to this company. 
    • Higher price point due to the company being MLM. 
  • Revive
    • Affordable price point
    • Scents try to mimic Young Living, but sometimes they are “off”. 
    • Oils are 100% pure without additives. 
  • Plant Therapy
    • Affordable price point
    • Sells oils in larger size bottles which is great for commonly used oils such as Lemon. 
    • Products are free from GMOS and they use third-party testing to give consumers in-depth reporting on what is exactly in their oils. 
*If you would like to purchase Young Living oils, you can use my member number: 24512468.

Cheaper is not better. I have tried many, many brands over the years. Cheaper brands can pass when you’re using them strictly for aromatherapy purposes. If you are putting oils on your body, you want to make sure they are pure. 

After all, there’s no point in making a natural lip scrub at home if your key ingredient is tainted with fillers!

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Here are 5 DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipes with Essential Oils

Chapped Lip Scrub Recipe

This recipe is perfect for the wintertime when our puckers get dry and cracked.  No one likes that feeling! Try this recipe out and follow with some coconut oil to seal moisture in.

Lavender is a great all-purpose healing oil. It not only helps to reduce dryness, but it can repair the damage that comes from having chapped lips. 

Diy non toxic lip scrub recipe with Lavender essential oil


1 tbsp organic cane sugar

1/2 tbsp organic honey

1 tsp coconut oil

1 drop Lavender essential oil

Lip scrub container

How to make: In a small mixing bowl, mix ingredients together. Transfer to lip scrub container. Store in a dark and cool place. 

Silky Soft Lip Scrub Recipe

Sweet almond oil in this recipe helps alleviate the built-up dead skin cells on your lips and keeps them moisturized for all-around softness that lasts. 


1 tbsp organic cane sugar

1/2 tbsp organic honey

1 tsp sweet almond oil

1 drop carrot seed oil

Lip scrub container

How to make: In a small mixing bowl, mix ingredients together. Transfer to lip scrub container. Store in a dark and cool place. 

Glow Lip Scrub Recipe

Daily wear and tear plus environmental effects can dull our lips. UV and sun damage darken our lips over time. If you’re looking to get that radiant glow back on your lips,  this lip scrub recipe is perfect for you.  

Lemon essential oil is a key brightening ingredient, while Geranium adds a lovely floral scent. 

diy recipe for glow lip scrub


1 tbsp organic cane sugar

1/2 tbsp organic honey

1 tsp coconut oil

1 drop Lemon essential oil

1 drop Geranium essential oil

Lip scrub container

How to make: In a small mixing bowl, mix ingredients together. Transfer to lip scrub container. Store in a dark and cool place. 

Anti Aging Lip Scrub Recipe 

Do you have wrinkles you want to combat on your lips? This lip scrub is great for tightening our delicate skin. 

Olive oil is rich in omega fatty acids that are great for anti-aging. Frankincense is good at softening wrinkles over time. 


1 tbsp organic cane sugar

1/2 tbsp organic honey

1 tsp olive oil

1 drop Frankincense essential oil

1 drop Lavender essential oil

Lip scrub container

How to make: In a small mixing bowl, mix ingredients together. Transfer to lip scrub container. Store in a dark and cool place. 

Ultra Hydrating Lip Scrub

Winter not only chaps our lips, but it also sucks the moisture out. This leaves our lips in an uncomfortable condition.  Try this hydrating lip scrub recipe to lock moisture in and bring the suppleness back to your lips.  

Avocado oil hydrates and moisturizes your lips without leaving a heavy oily residue.

DIY hydrating lip scrub recipe with Avocado OIl 


1 tbsp organic cane sugar

1/2 tbsp organic honey

1 tsp avocado oil

1 drop Lavender essential oil

1 drop Geranium essential oil

Lip scrub container

How to make: In a small mixing bowl, mix ingredients together. Transfer to lip scrub container. Store in a dark and cool place. 

How to Use your DIY Natural Lip Scrubs at Home: 

These DIY natural lip scrub recipes work up fast and will save you money over time.  Use the scrubs once a week for best results.

You want to use a gentle circular motion as the skin on your lips is thin. Exfoliate lightly to avoid any injuries. 

Since you will be using fresh ingredients, make smaller batches for the best shelf life.  

These scrubs also make cute gifts.  Add them to a homemade spa gift set for a perfect perfect gift.  Thoughtful, non-toxic, and useful!

Did you make this recipe? Comment below and what you think. Tag us on social media with your photos – @by.bindi.  I’d love to see them.